Tuesday 6 July 2010

Street Harassers, Creepers, and Lurkers.

Street harassers, elderly creepers, pervy lurkers, you are the bane of my life and a pain to women everywhere.
Waiting alone outside the Strada restaurant for some friends when I was 15, some perverted twenty-something trolloped up to me, winked in a grotesque manner and addressed me as “alright sexy?!”.
Now, regardless of the obvious paedophilic connections in a man calling a 15-year-old girl “sexy”, why did he do it? Did he think that I would be so overwhelmed with passion upon him addressing me as “sexy” that I would immediately run away with him forever? Does he really think that this is an attractive way to talk to a woman?
Believe it or not, women do have the right to this CRAZY idea that we can exist in public spaces. No, it’s not up to women to “dress modestly” or not to “provoke” old pervs, it’s up to said pervs to “control their desires” and, say, NOT randomly harass women.
Not even just women – it is highly inappropriate to talk to ANY stranger like that. So, guys and girls, if someone harasses you in the street or you witness harassment in the street, please do something about it! If we make people aware that it’s completely NOT OKAY to verbally abuse random women in the street, hopefully there will be less and less cases of harassment.

Tuesday 20 April 2010


Happy 4/20!! :p

Thursday 15 April 2010

Racism is a strange concept.

It's strange that people have chosen to discrimate on grounds of skin colour, and not, say, eye colour. Or favourite colour. Or something.

Aren't we all one race? The human race?

It's like saying, "you've got blonde hair, I've got brown hair, therefore we're completely different culturally and inherently."

Racism will be a problem for as long as we see different colour skin as COMPLETELY different. It is strange. It's as ridiculous as not wanting to be friends with someone because, say, they have brown hair. That is ridiculous.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

"A woman is staring at a blank piece of paper. What is she reading?"

"Her rights!"

Seriously, what the hell?!

That was a "joke" told by a GIRL on a facebook discussion page.

Maybe we should rephrase it, and say to her, "You are staring at a blank piece of paper. What are you reading? Your rights!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAOLOLOLOLOLOL HOW FUNNY!!!!"

Picture from cartoonstock.com

Tuesday 13 April 2010



What gives people the right to believe that....I am respectful of other people's opinions, but when they're based on shit like this I find that difficult.

I am absolutely speechless at how a group of people can be so hateful.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Monday 5 April 2010

A bit of Tao Lin

Tao Lin is an American poet, novelist, and short story writer. I sound like Wikipedia.

Although depressing, his poems are awesomely mundane.

This is by him:

"'That Night With The Green Sky'

It was snowing and you were kind of beautiful
We were in the city and every time I looked up
Someone was leaning out a window, staring at me

I could tell you liked me a lot or maybe even loved me
But you kept walking at this strange speed
You kept going in angles and it was confusing me

I think maybe you were thinking that you'd make me disappear
By walking at strange speeds and in a strange, curvy way
But how would that cause me to vanish from the planet Earth?

And that hurts
Why did you want me gone?
That hurts
I don't know
Some things can't be explained, I guess
The sky, for example, was green that night"

"Get in the kitchen, woman!" Wait, what?!

There is an online fad that worries me. It is one of these memes, and it’s not that “ackward” one, nor is it the "lolwut pear".

On Facebook, a plague of groups have cropped up, each one seeming to trivialise the issue of domestic violence and women's rights.

These are groups such as "Shouldn't women be in the kitchen not joining groups?", "Women Should Be In The Kitchen; Not Joining Facebook Groups", "Women Should Be in the Kitchen Not On Facebook" and various others, all of which seem to think that they need to reiterate the point by creating multiple groups which, in essence, all say the same thing.

Other groups include pictures of women with bloodied faces, with captions “joking” that they should have “shut up”.

So why do people find this funny? I have no idea. Maybe one male chauvinist found it funny, so everyone else thought it was “cool”. Apparently these notions are “legendary”, described as the “best group ever”. People need to “get over it” because it’s “just a joke”. What?!

Seriously, what?!

So we need to “get over” the huge issue of sexism?

Hopefully, in time, people will realise that violence against women is not funny in the slightest.

And the worst thing – there were girls commenting on these pages, saying how funny they found it. If that’s not a step backwards for women’s rights I don’t know what is. Do these girls find it not only appropriate, but also funny, to diminish the efforts that women a hundred years ago made so that we could have the relative freedom we have today? With women like that appearing to support the idea of sexism, they are only adding to the oppression they will inevitably feel one day.

However, a good Facebook group that has come out of this is this one:
"hi, im a boy who thinks women belong in the kitchen coz i'm a sexist C**T!"

Currently listening to: “Exploder”, Audioslave

First Post.

Welcome to my blog. I've never done anything at all like this shenanigans before, so I apologise if it all goes wrong. I have not yet learnt how to properly use this website, but it's going to be about poetry, gigs, shoes, politics, music, feminism, hair, environmentalism and Jonathan Creek.