Tuesday 6 July 2010

Street Harassers, Creepers, and Lurkers.

Street harassers, elderly creepers, pervy lurkers, you are the bane of my life and a pain to women everywhere.
Waiting alone outside the Strada restaurant for some friends when I was 15, some perverted twenty-something trolloped up to me, winked in a grotesque manner and addressed me as “alright sexy?!”.
Now, regardless of the obvious paedophilic connections in a man calling a 15-year-old girl “sexy”, why did he do it? Did he think that I would be so overwhelmed with passion upon him addressing me as “sexy” that I would immediately run away with him forever? Does he really think that this is an attractive way to talk to a woman?
Believe it or not, women do have the right to this CRAZY idea that we can exist in public spaces. No, it’s not up to women to “dress modestly” or not to “provoke” old pervs, it’s up to said pervs to “control their desires” and, say, NOT randomly harass women.
Not even just women – it is highly inappropriate to talk to ANY stranger like that. So, guys and girls, if someone harasses you in the street or you witness harassment in the street, please do something about it! If we make people aware that it’s completely NOT OKAY to verbally abuse random women in the street, hopefully there will be less and less cases of harassment.

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