Monday 5 April 2010

"Get in the kitchen, woman!" Wait, what?!

There is an online fad that worries me. It is one of these memes, and it’s not that “ackward” one, nor is it the "lolwut pear".

On Facebook, a plague of groups have cropped up, each one seeming to trivialise the issue of domestic violence and women's rights.

These are groups such as "Shouldn't women be in the kitchen not joining groups?", "Women Should Be In The Kitchen; Not Joining Facebook Groups", "Women Should Be in the Kitchen Not On Facebook" and various others, all of which seem to think that they need to reiterate the point by creating multiple groups which, in essence, all say the same thing.

Other groups include pictures of women with bloodied faces, with captions “joking” that they should have “shut up”.

So why do people find this funny? I have no idea. Maybe one male chauvinist found it funny, so everyone else thought it was “cool”. Apparently these notions are “legendary”, described as the “best group ever”. People need to “get over it” because it’s “just a joke”. What?!

Seriously, what?!

So we need to “get over” the huge issue of sexism?

Hopefully, in time, people will realise that violence against women is not funny in the slightest.

And the worst thing – there were girls commenting on these pages, saying how funny they found it. If that’s not a step backwards for women’s rights I don’t know what is. Do these girls find it not only appropriate, but also funny, to diminish the efforts that women a hundred years ago made so that we could have the relative freedom we have today? With women like that appearing to support the idea of sexism, they are only adding to the oppression they will inevitably feel one day.

However, a good Facebook group that has come out of this is this one:
"hi, im a boy who thinks women belong in the kitchen coz i'm a sexist C**T!"

Currently listening to: “Exploder”, Audioslave


  1. What? If you're not going to say something mature and productive, don't say anything at all.

  2. Cat Stone, you are absolutely right...considering that there have been studies showing that after watching sexist jokes men were less likely to donate to an association supporting women's rights or just support women in general. So it's not funny, at all...and ignore these anonymous commenters, not even strong enough to say their names...
